During my childhood my Mum was obsessed with old and antique furniture and details. Flat was like an exhibition of collected antiques pieces, everything decorated with style.

As a kid I dreamed empty living space where I can run and play without thinking which vase or candle holder I will brake playing around. It becomes real few years later with my flat. I decorated it simple without "heavy" furniture and lot of details inside but still I wasn't completely satisfied. 

Can You guess what I missed?

I missed "something old", something that reminds me on previous times no matter if it's not even directly connected with my life.

History is something that reminds us on our roots and how we become who we are right now, as a human being and as a personality. It gives us some kind of stability and pushes us in our new experiences. From time to time we like to "go back" so why not to do it with some detail, furniture or piece of art of unknown artist?

Inspiration and beauty are in ourselves, everyone owns it, you just have to start creating it..go to flower market, choose three different kinds of flowers and put them together, pick some water jug or anything which can stand like a flower vase and put your flowers in it..

Do you like it?

You don't need to have a proper vase to have a beautiful creation in front of You.. Your creation reflected your current mood and there is no better person to do that in your house than You.

Today I understand my mother why she created our living space with so many details and why she changed it almost every day.

Atelier Celina is a place where we offer furniture and art history, where we create new atmosphere constantly. Most of the articles are limited. You can find brand pieces but also unknown art works which we like the most.

Hope we'll inspire You and You'll follow us in our creative process.

Dedicate to my Mum, my eternal inspiration




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